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UEM Sunrise’s Annual Report Honoured at the National Annual Corporate Report Awards 2019

06 December 2019

UEM Sunrise’s Annual Report has been awarded with a Certificate of Merit in recognition for having qualified for the final of the National Annual Corporate Report Awards (NACRA) 2019 held at the Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 28 November 2019.


The NACRA 2019 Gala Dinner not only gives public recognition of excellence in corporate reporting to companies listed on Bursa Malaysia but also non-listed corporations and other organisations. Since it was launched in 1990, the criteria for NACRA have continuously been reviewed and enhanced each year to encourage the disclosure of all material and relevant information beyond the statutory requirements. The stringent criteria have raised the standards and best practices in annual reports over the years.


The marking criteria for NACRA:


  • Overview and Financial Highlights;
  • Management Discussion and Analysis;
  • Information on the Board of Directors and Senior Management;
  • Supplementary Information;
  • Additional disclosures beyond the Statutory Requirements;
  • Presentation; and
  • Financial Statements.


Finance Minister YB Lim Guan Eng graced the proceedings, with Nor Din Abdullah collecting the award on behalf of UEM Sunrise in the presence of Masleena Hafiza Mahdi, Muhammad Safwan Mohd Shukri, Venus Lim Poh Chun, mohd haris, Rahayu Md Radzi, Mohammad Iman Talib, Nur Sarah Izzati Hasnol, Nor Fadilah Mohammad Nazir and Mohd Ifzan Mohd Izam.


Congratulations UEM Sunrise!

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